
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bronte dress

Here it is. My Bronte dress.

I have had the idea of the design for long now, but couldn't decide on the fabric I was going to make it from. When I saw this woolen fabric I knew it will be perfect for this - and it really proved so.

I love the dress. It feels so comfortable yet it is feminine, desirable and romantic.
That's due to the open neckline and the lovely collar which is ruffled a bit.
At first I wanted to make long sleeves, but just couldn't imagine the dress with such and I left it with short sleeves. Like it better this way.
Just as an afterthought. Many of you may wonder why the "Bronte" dress.
I have this insatiable desire to name my projects no matter whether it concerns clothing, a piece of jewelery or a plain napkin. I believe it gives them character and creates special feeling about them - and in the end - it's just funnier and cute that way! I am sure you all know now why it is "Bronte".


  1. I love the ruffled collar. It is my favorite part. The whole dress is simply beautiful!!!!!

  2. So pretty! I lvoe the ruffled collar and how it stands up in the back. You did such a great job!

  3. What a superb iidea to link to older posts... I still haven't found the time to browse your blog back in tiime. Thanks for doing ot for me ;-)
    That dress is beautiful again! Everything you make is just so chic and feminine. Even your photos are so chic and feminine!

  4. Looks like it's very difficult to sew!!!!!!
    But very very nice!!
    compliments from italy!

  5. Thank you ladies on the lovely comments! N. you are making me blush!!


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