
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Snowflake, snowflake, where art thou?

We woke up today realizing disappointedly that the snow the forecast people promised to veil our town had failed to fulfill its duty.
The children had their noses pressed against the windows, watching the sky hopefully, wishing in vain for it to shed snowflakes. The trees stand barren without their bridal attire. There are no children out in the streets making snowmen, throwing snow balls, running with their sledges up and down the street. The cold has shut the people inside their warm homes.
Maybe tomorrow there will be snow to bring joy to the children and lift their spirits up a bit.....
I offer you a little colour to lift your spirits up. Hope you all have a great Sunday (somewhere with lots of snow!)


  1. So sorry it didn't snow for you. But I must say your description was very poetic and moving. A silver lining to the disappointment?

  2. hola, no se inglés pero visité tu blog completo por las cosas muy lindas que tienes... tienes un don muy especial en las manos.


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