
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wishful knitting

I have actually managed to sneak from the heap of work I have and type a word of two here.
Today it was so sunny outside I woke to the feeling it's spring. That didn't last long. The scenery was soon blackened by the most evilish looking clouds which brought a tremendous wind swirling everything on its way (I swear that for a moment I thought I'd see houses and cars flying up and above) to be instantly replaced by a dull, grim rain. And after all this weather tantrums, the sun appeared again in its full glory. I feel like living in England (said in a British accent).

The change of the weather reminded me that spring is inevitably on its way (shush - I don't want March to hear me say this*) and that there are "winter" things I put off not for days or months - but for years!
I am referring to these:

These two sweaters have officially been on my "to do" list for two years now. I don't think I'll start knitting them anytime soon - that's for sure, and who knows how I'd feel about them next year. Time will show.
(*This refers to a folk story about the 12 months and how February lost some of its days. I'll save this for some other post.)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The end of the week

Textile necklace

Well this has been a really tiring week, having visiting family at home, one child recovering from a cold, the other down with a cold, daily routines driven off the track, house being a cluttered state of affairs, all craft sent to wasteland, handmade neglected, translations piling up in the mail -well ...no wonder I've been feeling quite exhausted actually.

Thankfully it all ended yesterday. So I managed to put my hands at this pretty thing and need a patch or two and several more beads to finish it.

Earlier I found this cute embroidery of a Dutch lady made by my mom. This one was made when I was a child but mom didn't bother to frame it and it was in the pile of unfinished embroidery.

Look at the tiny stitches she did. I will never do this to my eyes!

Unfortunately I don't have a frame where this cutie could be housed so it'll have to wait for a bit more.
Speaking of never doing anything to one's eyes - just as I typed the words I remembered of a pendant I've made a year ago. Here it is:

It is not alone.
It has got a brother.

Remembered this just in time to obstrigillate my "never' statement! Serves me right!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Our girl just turned 9.

We were blessed to have her on Valentine!

hAPpY bIrThDAy!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Glimmer and shine

These two lovelies ....

....are my new rings.

There is a whole bag of colourful shiny balls waiting to be done. But with two energetic children at home it is almost impossible to get anything done. Maybe, when they get a bit older....

Friday, February 12, 2010

As simple as it gets

My grandma Marika once received a Simplicity pattern book as a gesture of gratitude from one of her satisfied clients. The pattern book is from the summer 1979. The covers are a bit faded and dog-eared at the corners but the inside of it is intact. I inherited this book and now it has its special place in my sewing corner.
Although I have an enormous number of sewing magazines (Burda mostly) it makes me a great pleasure to take this book once in a while and flip through it, searching for ideas and filling my eyes with beautiful creations!
Lately I have been returning to these pages looking at these simple, yet great dresses. Although the design of these is almost the same as my Cupcake and Bronte dresses, I can't shook off the pattern and am actually thinking of making another one - the plain white one is my favourite!

This pattern is also attractive, only I wouldn't make the edges pointy!

And then, there's this!

I remember having a pleated shirt when I was a child - something similar to this, and promised myself that I'll make this top for the summer! I already have the perfect fabric for it. Can't wait!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Enforced procrastination

This is one of those days when I am more than eager to work and make something, but somehow it all gets entangled - I either cannot materialize my ideas or I lack material to spring my jewelry to life. Today, I was honored by both.

However, with a child sick at home, understandably - I cannot concentrate on my work.

Thus I left the desk (it is a site of unending horror and despair with the table suffocated by ribbons, bonds, fabric, yarn, beads and whatnot) at ease and joined my daughter in watching " A Night in the Museum". I don't have to mention that this is like the bezillionth time we are watching it. I am lucky because last month it was "Alvin and the Chipmunks" - needless to say that we know every single word uttered in the film (by the way for those who know what I am talking about - I am Theodore!), so there is progress people!

While making her company I returned to my reading. I am reading
The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
This is my first encounter with this writer and I must say that the book is a real page-turner. Although already guessing what everything is about I am curious to find out how it will unravel in the end.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Picking up beads and sorting through my craft boxes, Eva found these pendants that I had made back in high school. I remember that on one of our Art classes the teacher had a lecture on the jewelery the ancient people made for themselves and we were obliged to make something out of material of our choice. I used clay (still love to work with ordinary and polymer clay) and made this 'golden' pendant. I was lucky it was chosen to be featured on the Open School Day.

The others were made during my sophomore year at uni. They remained in my possession due to their small imperfections. Others were given as presents, but unfortunately I have no pictures of that earlier work of mine. I have necklaces with rock-like beads, but I'll save that for another post.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Blue flowers

When I first saw this linen I know it was destined to be a shirt. A dress would also be lovely with the design but not in linen.

I had several ideas for the neckline. First I wanted to make a ruffled collar, then I thought that maybe it would be cute if I make a casing for a silk light blue ribbon which would tie up-front. I discarded all those ideas and went for the easiest thing. I think it is appropriate for this kind of shirt and that I wasn't wrong.

Eva wasn't quite cooperative today and goofed around (even if I bribed her with a pack of the Littlest Pet Shop stickers) so I didn't manage to make a lot of pictures. I couldn't make her tie her hair and she gave me the bull nose-blowing quite often (she thought it was hilarious!).
However I tried to pick the best ones today. Should have been lot better. Ah, OK.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pink pants

I had forgotten about this pair of pants. I made them when Eva was on winter holidays, but never found the time to make pictures. I lined the inner part with beautiful linen.

The idea is the pants to be worn as 3/4 by lifting the hoses up, but she can still wear them as ordinary pants, with the linen part not showing at all.

I was dying to make heart-shaped pockets at the back, but Eva was against the idea on the premises that boys at school would tease her! (Was this a whim of a kind or is this a sign of puberty! God helps us all!!). She didn't want any pockets at all (no particular reasons offered). I still believe that heart-shaped pockets would be soo cute!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A jacket, a necklace and work in progress...

A while ago I bought myself a ton of fabric (literally) some wool and rep mostly because they were discounted and soo beautiful and besides I wanted to make myself something more casual and romantic. I love quick projects and I like when I finish them in a day (preferably) or two. I hate when I start something and then procrastinate from various reasons. After I came back from work yesterday I set to work on the jacket and managed to finish it.
Here it is:
I don't usually wear cropped jackets because of my height - they usually make me even smaller, but I took the risk and made myself this gorgeous beauty. I didn't like to have ordinary long sleeves and I made these.

For the sleeves I used the pattern of a Burda shirt.

Previously, during the weekend I made myself a skirt of the same fabric and it's been pleasure wearing it. It so soft and comfortable.

Unrelated continuation of this post: My latest necklace...

...and here is a glimpse of some jewelery to be!