
Monday, February 8, 2010

Enforced procrastination

This is one of those days when I am more than eager to work and make something, but somehow it all gets entangled - I either cannot materialize my ideas or I lack material to spring my jewelry to life. Today, I was honored by both.

However, with a child sick at home, understandably - I cannot concentrate on my work.

Thus I left the desk (it is a site of unending horror and despair with the table suffocated by ribbons, bonds, fabric, yarn, beads and whatnot) at ease and joined my daughter in watching " A Night in the Museum". I don't have to mention that this is like the bezillionth time we are watching it. I am lucky because last month it was "Alvin and the Chipmunks" - needless to say that we know every single word uttered in the film (by the way for those who know what I am talking about - I am Theodore!), so there is progress people!

While making her company I returned to my reading. I am reading
The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
This is my first encounter with this writer and I must say that the book is a real page-turner. Although already guessing what everything is about I am curious to find out how it will unravel in the end.


  1. These pictures are so lovely. I can't wait to see what you create with such beautiful blue bobbles and beads!


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