
Friday, June 25, 2010

Under the sea

Summer is perfect for interactive activities when the children are at home with plenty of time on their hands. A colleague of mine made this with her children and when I saw it I knew I had to give it a try.

The basic materials we need:
- A paper plate
- Paper napkins (blue- of course)
- Cut out fishes (material of your choice)
- Birch-tree flowers (those are the brown things)
- Plastic flowers and weed
- Shells, sand and stones
- Aluminum foil for the bubbles
- Beads for the eyes and the fins

First, glue the paper plate, put the napkin over it and smudge it with your fingers.

Next, set the background. Arrange the weed and flowers.

Glue the little fishes.

Put some bids for the eyes and the fins.
Roll the aluminum foil and make some bubbles.

Then you have to work on the sea bed.
Arrange the shells, stones, and in the end sprinkle sand over it.

And that's it! Your aquarium is done!


  1. This looks great. I'll have to get my kids organized to make something beautiful like that.

  2. Thank you! I am glad you like it!


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