
Thursday, August 5, 2010

My vintage book of handcrafts

There is a corner in the centre of town swarming with little stands that offer old/new books, comics, LP albums, medals, pins and other petite antiquities and what-not. Well that is the corner that magically pulls and draws my attention whenever I pass by. On one of those passing bys I noticed this great book of hand-craft which I was allowed to browse through on a couple of occasions and finally I decided to buy it.

Published in 1979 (although in impeccable condition - the patterns inside were intact) it features numerous sewing, knitting, crocheting, weaving and beading projects with extensive and clear explanations and (what I love the most) elementary to advanced techniques of every craft mentioned above.

I fell in love with this traditionally embroidered blouse which I would love (and hope) to make one day.

A vest that reminds me of one I had as a child....

...and a gorgeous tablecloth.
I hope to use many of the ideas and techniques elaborated in the book and eventually bragging with all of them here :)-


  1. Oh I love old craft books!
    But, strange enough, I never encounter many in old book's shops, here in Portugal (I love old book's shops). But, last year I found one old book's shop on-line, from Brasil: Traça (if you google it you will find it). And they have old craft books (in several languages). I presented myself (on my birthday) with a few!! ;)

    By the way, I've seing you on Craft Gossip, congratulations!!

  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I found it but have yet to explore it!
    As for the Craft gossip - I have sent some of my past tutorials and they seem to like them :

  3. I love old books and these are amazing photos! From 1979? Oh, I had never seen that old books yet. It is so nice how ladies back in the days enjoyed crafting!!
    Thanks for sharing!


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