
Friday, September 17, 2010

Sea weed necklace

Align Center

Meet my new necklace.

I love the combination of these two colours - they are the perfect match.
The two rows of crocheted flowers are joined together to create my new favourite accessory. Corks took over the part of dangling buttons.

The closure. I love it.

It's got two faces.

The green one is a little contorted due to the joining stitch but I really don't mind.


  1. This is so pretty again! I love the colour combination too. It would look very nice on pretty much any autumn outfit... brown, grey, dark blue or green ;-)

  2. That is seriously beautiful!
    Love the color combination but, probably will work well in one color either like white or black (and what about black and red? for an holloween costume of a vampire...)

  3. Papgena: Thank you! Regarding colours white or black would not even be my last option :)
    On the other hand I am thinking about purples and blues!

  4. Beautiful and dramatic. The closure is excellent. I really need to learn how to crochet.

  5. Oh lovely! Those colors ike a memory of summer vacation. Your design is so lively which I really admire:)

  6. Very pretty and unique, I love the color combination!


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