
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The cat, the donkey and the running carrot

My mother is moving into a smaller flat so guess who gets to inherit all the pretty stuff she usually wonders "what do I need for".

But how could I get rid of this sweet, sweet needle point of a cat playing the violin and the lovely notes floating around it! I found this in a bag my mum uses for her finished but unframed work. It is more than 30 years old. I am so sorry she didn't hang this in my room when I was a child and didn't give me when my children were small. But I am not letting it go. I am sure I'll find a use for it. I mean what is the point of doing such an exhausting work (did you notice how small and tiny those stitches are?) and not display it anywhere.

And then I found this. A donkey running after a carrot! This is appropriate to sprout children's imagination and not entertain a cotton bag! I may use this one to make a bag... or a pillow. The bag sound more appealing - at least to Eva. Can't decide right now. Have to wash it first! And with this let me finish my post on children's needle point and pointless embroidery!


  1. oh they are beautiful!!! What was your mother thinking? they should be on the open so everyone see!
    Maybe you cane use them on the cover of an album with pictures of your children...

  2. Oh Papgena.. that is the winning solution! What a fabulous idea! Thank you!

  3. those are adorable.

    (came here via a comment you made at no big dill's blog-will be back, love your projects!)


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