
Friday, November 5, 2010

Pom-Pom Scarf

Window shopping the other day we stopped at the Accessorize to get some inspiration (I love their tweed bags) for the upcoming winter. Eva saw a pom-pom scarf and knowing that I wouldn't pay for something I can make myself she got herself a promise that she'll have one.
And here it is.

She chose the colors (right then I realized how insufficient my knitting wool pallet is) to match her winter jacket, and leapt out of joy when it was finished. The most beautiful gratification for a mother.


  1. oh my! It turned out beautiful! You know I've been wanted to do one with and for my daughter but didn't get the courageous yet. My pom poms never seem to be as I want them to be!!!

  2. Thank you Papgena. Mine aren't perfect - some are fluffier than others because some are mohair some ordinary wool.

  3. Maya & Eva - this is gorgeous. We are so into pompoms right now and when I was in Europe, I picked up a superduper pompom maker I have to put to work

    Will you share how you connected the pompoms, stiches or some sort of running piece?

  4. Dear KJ,
    That was my only concern. How do I end it and what to do to secure it!
    First of all I strung them on a doubled woolen thread (the one of the purple pom-pom)and when I came to the end with the pom-poms I switched back and ran it through the last two ones, then made a knot there and continued in that fashion until I reached the other end. I sincerely hope that would make them stay and not loose/fall off.

    I hope all of this makes any sense.

  5. Just an afterthought for KJ:
    Don't worry, none of the knots can be seen.

  6. So beautiful the scarf & your daughter! When I made one for my daughter it had only 2 pom poms and they both fell off! The double woolen thread is a great idea.

  7. It is gorgeous, Maya! She is a very lucky girl!

  8. Oh wow, this is lovely and can be a perfect gift of winter holidays. I am sure making one or two;)

    Lucky daughter!!

  9. Eva looks lovely in her new scarf. It looks warm and cozy.

  10. Completely makes sense. Double wool sounds reasonable and should be stable. I haven't been able to get this scarf out of my mind all weekend. I must get some wool and my pompom maker out from storage.

  11. Yes! I agree, I refuse to pay for something that I can make. Homemade means better quality and tailor made. Lovely job.

  12. i tried to leave a comment before, but i don't think it went through, so pardon if i'm being repetitive... but i just LOVE this! and thank you for the note in the comments about how to string them together (i was going to ask you about that). i would love to try this, except i really already have waaaayyyyy too many scarves hanging around. but maybe for a christmas gift...! thanks for your great ideas! :) lisa

  13. I don't knit or crocet. Is this something you can make without doing knitting?

  14. Chessa: This does not involve knitting at all. You just make pom-poms and string them on a thread. It's that simple.

  15. I have a 7 year old Granddaughter who would love, love , love this...Thank You!


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