
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How about some blues?

Thank you all for the lovely comments regarding the condition of my sewing machine.
The Master replied he will tend to it in the course of the week (eyes raised in disbelief!).
However, I had to substitute the sewing with other crafts and I am not sorry at all because I made a lot of lovely things.

When I made the first bra necklace I had two more started with it and left them half the way (as it usually is with me nowadays) so I decided it's high time I finish them for good.

This one's in the blue mood with little joys of pink.

The third one turned more of a brain cracker and I dismantled it to work on a fresher idea I got along the way. I hope it will turn out as good as I have it pictured in my mind!


  1. Hi Maya
    I'm always glad to see your post in my blog roll! Glad your machine is going to get the attention it deserves.

    I'm sure your new idea necklace will turn out as charming as the one you have pictured here. I think you mind pops with ideas so I look forward to seeing what is next!!
    Happy Day to you!
    xx, Carol

  2. Thank you Carol! I appreciate your comments a lot!

  3. Well, hope your machine is ready soon!
    In the meantime i'm loving your other creations!

  4. I love everything you create Maya. That necklace is so pretty {and I want you know that I am thinking positive thoughts about your machine, you are very fortunate to be such an expert at knitting and crochet, I would be at a loss).


I love your comments! Thank you for taking the time to talk to me!