
Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunny lace top

(Disclaimer: I am not trying to give you a smirky smile!)

My newest addition to the summer tops.
I long wanted to make a top with rows and rows of lace coming all the way down.
When I started constructing the piece I realized that my lace was not wide enough and that I would have to make it in more rows which at the end would make the top look ridiculous, so I decided to make it like this.

Two rows below the bust and at the edge. And the neckline is biased with the lace too.
For this top I used a Burda pattern (1/2009-133).

Then I made another crocheted flower with strands which I can wear as a bracelet, a necklace or a headband - whichever suits my current mood. Love these. They are so versatile.

Have a nice week.


  1. gorgeous top, gorgeous you, gorgeous view!

    oh and the bracelet will coordinate very prettily with the top too!

  2. I just love this.specially the bracelet or multiple accessary is awesome..love it *(*

  3. All beautiful!! What a beautiful top, and bracelet on a beautiful you!!

  4. What's the scenery behind you?

  5. You look so beautiful in your lovely top! Adore your bracelet too!

  6. Love your modular crochet flower. Great idea for a versatile piece!

  7. Maya, I think this is a lovely top, and you look gorgeous on it. And the bracelet is very nice too. Have a nice week.

  8. Your top really has that romantic touch to it, it reminds me of those Jane Austen undergarments, love huge amount of lace! And your bracelet is just the thing! I'd love to try and crochet one myself, thanks for this brilliant idea Maya! (don't know if I can do it though, LOL!) Cheers, Ira

  9. You look fabulous! Your bracelet is very sweet :)

  10. Gorgeous model and view! I love straps. Is this the grown up version of that eyelet top you posted awhile back that your daughter loved?

  11. Maya:

    Just love the bracelet and the summer top is just lovely! I just love coming and visiting your blog. I looking forward in seeing what you made. Thanks for sharing.


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