
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A fine assortment of shells

One of our favourite past time activities..... shell collecting...
I cannot resist picking them from the sand. I already have a full bag, can you believe it?


  1. Same over here Maya, it's so lovely to walk on the beach and try to pick the finest of shells! Love your collection!

  2. It's obvious you are having a wonderful holiday. Shell seeking is a relaxing and fun activity. I never go to the beach here (no litter laws so very trashy) but I have a friend who often collects shells for me when he goes for his early morning swim. :) Happy day to you. Tammy

  3. Those are lovely. Hope the holiday is going well x

  4. A lovely collection! What a pleasant thing to do on holiday. Sounds like fun to me!

  5. I knew you were a treasure hunter. One of my absolute favourite holiday past times. I recall one vacation to Cuba where we collected so many sand dollars, probably the most memorable aspect of the trip!

  6. Oh I want to get my old collection of shells out again. But I just have to remember where I stashed them. Lovely pics.

  7. You'd think living on an island, I would go beach combing often. Saddly I can't remember the last time I've done it. But looking at your shell collection has inspired me to go this weekend

  8. Maya,

    I love sea shells too. I have a big basket full and each shell reminds me of all the places we have gone too.


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