
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Warm orange wrap

Well, December came in a blink. The next thing I know would probably be Christmas. In a blink again. Does time fly for you too?

I am happy to report that in spite of bazillion things I try to squeeze in my schedule and actually make, I am more than half way through with my gifts which on their part bring a peace of mind.

A couple of these wraps in warm earth tones are being gifted and this one is for the shop.
The pattern is so easy one can do it with eyes closed and its gets finished in an evening. This also adds up points on the perfect handmade gift list.
I have also been working on the PDF pattern for these cuffs which also is a great gift if the person intended loves such, of course. Hope to finish it soon (the technical drawing is killing me).


  1. it's amazing to me that you can get this done in an evening. you have some serious skills! and look how lovely it turned out.

  2. Fancy stola Maya! Love that great flower, such a nice embellishment this is. Another beauty finished. Have a lovely evening, Ira x

  3. This is a great design and a lovely color. Terrific yarn work!

  4. It looks so warm! I suppose the color does have a lot to do with that. :)

  5. oh gosh, yes, time *does* fly...i can't believe that i had to take out the advent calendar today! i agree it's amazing that you can do this in one evening! beautiful color and beautiful object. your gift recipients are very lucky! :) lisa

  6. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to learn to crochet. I hope one day I will be able to whip something up like that in an evening! Beautiful, the warm orange is lovely. I think it is great that you are working pdf patterns!

  7. i just noticed in your "about me" you call yourself a "struggling crochetter." i hardly think that's the case!! you're amazing! :) lisa

  8. gorgeous, perfectly balanced like all your stuff! cuffs look very enticing and I must say your window shop is such a refreshing thing to look at!

  9. This is a beauty...thank you for sharing!

  10. Love that color! I have several scarves just like this (but longer), I just HAD to have them after watching Sweet November years ago. They are easy but you must be a fast crocheter to get them done in an evening!

  11. This is just gorgeous! Loved stopping by today. :-)


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