
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"How to Crochet Jewelry" - a free e-book

Guys, I cannot tell you how happy I am!!!

Those who follow my work know that I collaborate with the amazing site called "All Free Jewelry Making and the reason for my excitement is the issuance of a free e-book called "How to Crochet Jewelry" featuring several of my tutorials.

I do hope you download it and make some of the projects. The necklace featured on the front page is absolutely gorgeous!!


  1. Oh wow Maya! That is such wonderful news, you must be so proud!! Congratulations and I'm off to download it right now, hope to be able to make such wonderful crochet work as you some day!!

  2. How wonderful Maya. Congrats! I have downloaded the book. Thanks and best wishes, Tammy

  3. WOW!!! Congratulations!
    And thank you for the link, I'm going to download it!!!

  4. Oh wow, how fab! I'll download it this weekend!

  5. Thank you for sharing this! I've downloaded the ebook and I hope to make some of the projects in the future. Will post some pictures when I have some finished projects. Thanks again and God bless you.

  6. Congratulations Maya!!! I can imagine your happyness, you can really be proud of it! :)

  7. Congratulations, Maya! What a beautiful project! Your crocheted jewels are awesome!

  8. Congrats. You do beautiful work so I'm sure your patterns will be a popular part of the book!

  9. Congrats. You do beautiful work so I'm sure your patterns will be a popular part of the book!

  10. This is great! I will download it and make myself some of the designs. I love to follow All Free Jewelry Making, too. I like how you have your Etsy shop show up on the sidebar of your blog. Maybe you can let me know how you did that?

  11. Thank you all!
    @ Lily: I wrote you a mail with instructions

  12. That is so exciting Maya, you so deserve this! Congratulations and big hugs to you!!!

  13. So nice of you to share! Thank you!

  14. Thanks for share, i'm still a begginner but i hope to learn so much with this download. I can't wait! Congrats

  15. Hi Maya, I have just found you! LOVE your designs!!! Would like to try your e-book, but don't see a button to download it. Please help! Thank you!!! BLESSINGS!!! patti

  16. Hi Patti,

    Thank you on the sweet comment. First I want to clear something - the e-book is not just mine - it is a compilation of crochet projects made by several bloggers including myself.
    Secondly, you download it by clicking the title of it.
    If it does not function try this:


    Good luck!


I love your comments! Thank you for taking the time to talk to me!