
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lilac and gray brooch

Hello everyone! This week had a roller-coaster like start and what do you know, it's Wednesday already. 
The weather in these parts have been mild and beautiful! A true Indian summer. So we spent the weekend taking long walks in the countryside. Although it's mid-October, due to the warm weather the trees are still green with a hint of yellow speckles here and there. And I can't believe we are still short-sleeved clothed. 

In terms of crafting, taking a break from the baby blanket I made some flower brooches. Crocheting flowers is amazingly therapeutic for me and takes the burden of modern life off of my mind. This brooch is made by combining another of my favourite combinations: grey and purple. Besides flowers, I added some beads, ribbons and vines.

Bye, bye!
Take care!


  1. A truly gorgeous brooch with such fine colours, how cool this would be on a simple plain grey pullover. And how utterly wonderful to be able to walk around short-sleeved, sigh... But we're in for some higher temperatures too, this weekend ;-)

  2. trop mignon ! j'adore !

  3. Gorgeous! I love this piece! It is wonderful that you find crocheting flowers therapeutic, I am still looking for something that I can sink into. Enjoy your warm weather! We have the furnace on :)

  4. Beautiful job! I found your lovely brooch at Western Warmth. :) Megan

  5. I love this brooch. So very pretty! Lovely colors! Hope you are having a good week. Tammy


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