
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Readying for the winter

Amidst the heavily burdened schedule of journey preparation,  some things are not to be neglected such as making winter supplies. We did the most delicious and favourite salads in an evening - "we" meaning  husband lent a hand. Unfortunately, this year we did not make any jam simply because we have left a couple of jars from last year. The children tend to change likes to particular foods so we try to suffice the current demand. Any good tips to share? Check out my boards here andhere.


  1. I am so impressed, those peppers look so yummy. I have never ventured into the world of real canning (just refrigerator technique). I am always so envious of a pantry full of jars.

  2. That all just looks delicious Maya, oh, we just LOVE vegetables and eat loads of them. Looks like you are ready to receive winter now ;-) My husband and I always eat what's 'in season', which allows you to diversify quite much. Take care, Ira

  3. Oh I bet those veges are yummy! I've never canned anything. Always afraid of having to sterilize the jars properly. Best wishes, Tammy

  4. All looks so fantastic, love vibrant fresh fruit and vegetables.:)


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