
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Missing post

This is  the post that got stuck in your readers. Hope you enjoy making the necklace - the possibilities for the flower arrangements are innumerous!

P.S. Aren't you glad you survived the end of the world?!


  1. It's absolutely lovely Maya, I really need to learn to crochet some day and your tutorials look just the thing.
    Merry Christmas to you all.
    Kate x

  2. I am very thankful we are all still here! Happy holidays to you and your family! The necklace is gorgeous.

  3. That's one gorgeous piece of work again Maya!
    And to be honest, I never thought our world was going to end (for the simple fact that there would have been seismic and cosmis activity etc.) Personally I think that we are heading for a time in which personal attention for each other and a deeper and richer inner life become more important again (thank goodness!). Blessings, Ira x

  4. The necklace is lovely! I think I shall try making one very soon. Best wishes and happy holidays, Tammy

  5. Always beautiful works!!! Love the colors and the little flowers! Yes I'm glad we all surviv :p
    Merry Christmas!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft


I love your comments! Thank you for taking the time to talk to me!