
Saturday, November 9, 2013

For a purple fall


Lately, I've been crocheting a lot in purples. I must say I am a bit disappointed at the purple palette I see in yarn stores - there are just not enough hues and shades I'd like to see and buy. But since ordering from abroad seems a little too over the edge (price related) for the time being I have to do with what I've got.  For the magenta bead in the last photo I used a fuzzy yarn that has been in my stash for way too long, and although reluctant to what it might look like used on a bead  I am pretty satisfied it turned out great. I think I just found out about this yarn's niche :)

Until my next post, have a lovely weekend!


  1. Strange coincidence, I have been creating a lot of pink-purple jewelry over the last month too. Somehow feels like the color for this season

  2. Fun necklaces maya! thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!

  3. Very nice color combination,Maya!I like so much these necklaces!!!


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