
Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Nowadays I am too tired for anything. Long years spent juggling three jobs is certainly taking its toll and recently I started paying it off. So, I wasn't planning on putting on a costume or any make-up. But I admit. I got weak and at the last minute decided to do the fastest thing I can which is this - The Day of the Dead - make up.

So I wasn't much productive this year. For example I was dying to paint my jars like this and make a new Halloween wreath.

Instead, at home and school we made some paper pumpkin buntings and dancing witches and we also carved pumpkins online using this site
You can see Jacob's and my pumpkins. After carving them you can make the image a puzzle - Jacob loved that immensely.


And I also made this tutorial which my kids adore. Especially the witches that hang around the house :)


  1. Wow Maya, I love your day of the dead makeup! You did such a great job! I love your Halloween creations too. Have fun and don't eat too much candy!

  2. great halloween makeup, Maya!!!!
    Happy Halloween, xxxxx Ale

  3. Awesome Makeup - looks pretty Scary

  4. You definitely look spooktacular, Maya! Love love your make up, it's awesome! And yes, I know what you mean, I usually make something for Halloween, too, but this year simply didn't have enough time... Alas... Hopefully next year again! Enjoy!
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  5. Look at you!! You did a great job with the makeup! I hope you have a restful weekend Maya.

  6. You Look Great, Nice Last Minute Work ! !


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