
Friday, December 19, 2014

Forest Wrist-Warmers Pattern

When I saw my grandma's sampler showing these little trees (at least they look like trees to me :) I fell in love with it and knew I would try my hand in working the pattern out to fit for some warmers. 
I made two versions and the second I believe is more beautiful because I added picots on the border. The tutorial I made contains that second version. The pictures here show the first version. 

I have a box full of my grandma's samplers. She was an extraordinary woman who never wrote any pattern down and always said she had them all in her head. And truth be told, she did. She was so adept in crochet and knitting she could work out a fantastically difficult pattern just by looking at it.
And for some of them she made samplers which I am the happy and proud recipient of. I hope I manage to work out some of her other samplers - it would mean a lot to me - communicating with her again through her work.


  1. Hi Maya, I love how pretty the hand warmers that you made look. It is wondeful that you have samples of your grandmothers work! Have a nice weekend. Wishing you a Merry Christmas too.

  2. Hi Maya! Your warmers are really beautiful!The pattern we call it, by here, pineapples :)
    Samples from your grandmother they are a treasure, I believe you keep all with love.
    Wishing you and family a Merry Christmas!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  3. These are gorgeous Maya! Such fine looking accessories, love these! How totally wonderful that would be indeed, to be able to get into your grandma's mind through her beautiful work, I'm positive you can do it for you have her creative genes ;-) Take care, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  4. The wrist warmers are so pretty. You obviously got your talent from your grandmother. I can't work anything out in my head. HA! Best wishes, Tammy


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