
Friday, January 30, 2015

Romantic Mori Necklace

Happy Friday people!

Today I have to show you my newest necklace from the "Romantic Mori" Spring Collection I am working on right now. You know I love mixed media projects, and because I cannot resist fabric especially when it comes to incorporating it in my crochet jewelries, I decided to make a collection of this mix.

Usually I am a color dependent person, but I leaned to the most practical side  of my work and that is to use pieces I already have in my stash. I have mentioned many times that there are boxes of crocheted flowers and other bits and pieces just lying around and finally I am clearing away the clutter and using them for my newest collection.

I am so excited about this project and I can literally burst with all the ideas and inspiration I have right now.

More Mori soon :)



  1. So lovely and romantic with a vintage feel. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

  2. The person who has commented before me just stole my words it is such a lovely and romantic piece with a vintage feel. It feels very soft at the same time very contemporary and edgy

  3. Hello Maya!

    What a gorgeous necklace, so pretty!
    Definitely romantic!!!

    Have a nice weekend!
    Ingrid xx

    1. Thank you Ingrid! My sister claimed it immediately :)

  4. I actually discovered Mori style thanks to... you Maja! I just love it. This is so lovely, thank you!

  5. I love the grey colored flowers with the pearls. It is so pretty as all of your creations. Have a nice Friday and weekend.

    1. At first I thought adding color would be a much better choice, but I decided on the greys and I really liked how it turned out in the end.

    2. At first I thought adding color would be a much better choice, but I decided on the greys and I really liked how it turned out in the end.

  6. Really romantic, Maya!I love your necklace and the greys are gorgeous!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  7. How totally stunning this looks Maya! These different shades of grey (no pun intended ;-) are so elegant, very stylish make!
    Ira’s Crea Corner

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