
Friday, October 16, 2015

Larksfoot Crochet Scarf

This is a hip idea of making a fall scarf by using the larksfoot crochet stitch.
I had it made back when I did the tutorial on larksfoot but completely forgot to show it. The cotton makes it pleasant for wear during the summer too, so the time and effort invested in this scarf were justified :)  
I fell in love in the pattern so much I made these two variations for blankets. 


  1. Hello Maya,
    There you go again creating something so beautiful! What a pretty scarf you made using that pretty stitch and yarn.
    Have a wonderful day and weekend.
    Julie xo

  2. Hi Maya,
    Your scarf looks lovely, I like the colors and the print! I like to crochet cotton as well, I'm crocheting a poncho at the moment.
    Popping by from Saturday Sharefest -
    Happy weekend to you,

    1. Hi Nina,
      Thank you for the lovely comment! I would love to see your poncho. My daughter is nagging me to make her one, but I simply don't have the strength to tackle a big project right now :)
      Wishing you a lovely weekend too!

  3. Bellissimo, complimenti! anche la scelta dei colori, fantastica.
    Un abbraccio,

  4. really nice!!!!!
    happy weekend, xxxx Ale

  5. I've used this stitch before too. Very easy and pretty! Your scarf turned out beautifully. :-)


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