
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Crochet Owl Bag


This is one of my finished Christmas presents. You remember the lovely Owl Blanket I made?
Well I had some grannies left from that project and planned to make a pillow, but as it happens with many other things when life happens, I chucked that project and moved on, thinking that one day I might use them. So the day has come. And I made a bag with them.

I am sure my little gift receiver will love it because she's crazy about owls.

I have these owls all around (back, front and sides) except for the bottom  for which I made the grannies completely white (without any eyes, ears or beaks).

The cotton fabric I used to line it was perhaps too thin for the job, so lining it was a bit tricky.
Generally, I like how it turned out and I will surely make another but this time I want to try and make it into a small backpack, that is if time does not run out on me ... or life takes over :)



  1. Tutto veramente incantevole!!! adorabili gufetti su borsa altrettanto stupenda. Complimenti!

    Un abbraccio,

  2. Your post reminded me that my daughter saw this blanket on Pinterest and went wild for it. I ordered the pattern this morning. I have a lot of scraps that will work great on this pattern.
    Merry Christmas!!

    1. Oh I am so happy to hear that Carol! Thank you so much! Don't hesitate to write in case of any questions. I'd love to help.

  3. Lovely bag and idea. The recipient will also love it.


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