
Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Inheritance Project - Amy Meissner

The minute I read about the Inheritance Project I knew I was hooked. The name itself had that alluring quality  I couldn't resist. It think it is on Facebook I read about it first - some weeks ago and the post being accompanied with doilies, I knew I didn't have the strength to move and click on. And, boy am I glad I read it through!

So who is Amy and what is the project about?
Amy Meissner is an extraordinary textile artist and she is the creator of the Inheritance project whose ultimate goal is to have "an installation of up to 1.000 of textile projects - vintage embroidered domestic linens and old crocheted hot pads that will also represent a collection of the language that accompanies them, the makers, the origins, the details to give these unwanted items the voices they deserve." Check the Inheritance project Mystery Boxes here


Besides being a stunning textile artist, she is also an astonishing wordsmith! She is having a bewitching writing style and amazing stories to tell. You'll never regret paying her a visit! Read her stories here.

*** All images used here are sole property of Amy Meissner***


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