
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Crochet Flower Necklaces- new additions to the shop

I have been working on my textile jewelry collection for the past month, sans the time we were on holiday that is, and it really felt good taking a rest from crochet - although I was not completely detached from it.
But as it happens when inspiration comes flowing, I happily returned to it and made these necklaces to bring some refreshment to the shop. Come to think of it, I hadn't added anything for a while, so this feels good.
I worked with my favorite colors and flower patterns.


  1. Your time away in that beautiful part of the world, Maya, seems to have filled you with inspiration; all these necklaces are beautiful!

    1. Yes, you are right Kim! Thank you on the sweet comment!

  2. Hello Maya, your crocheted necklaces are just beautiful and so delicate!
    Enjoy the weekend. Julie xo

  3. Hello, dear! Your crochet necklaces are always amazing. I can recognize them wherever you find them. Happy summer Sunday! xxx

  4. These are so cute! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


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