
Friday, October 7, 2016

How to read crochet charts: Irish Crochet Flower - free pattern

Hello and welcome to another post in the How to read crochet charts series! Today's precious find comes in the shape of a lovely Irish crochet flower.
Pattern: {for the flowers I use sport cotton yarn and 1.9 mm hook}
Ch 6 and join to make a ring.
Rnd 1: Sc 6 in ring
Rnd 2: sc2 in each st (12)
Rnd 3: sc1 in one st, 2 in the second (18)
Rnd 4: repeat rnd 3 (27)
Rnd 5: sc1 then ch5, skip 4, sc 1 in the next st. Ch 5, sk 3, sc in next st. Repeat this twice more. There should be 4 chains.
Rnd 6: Ch1 (I added this - it's not in the chart) turn work and sc 10 on the chain you made last. sc 8 in the rest of the chains.
Rnd 7: Ch 7 and sl st in the st between chains. Repeat this 3 times. There should be 4 chains.
Rnd 8: {On the 1st chain} sc3, ch3 and make a picot, sc 3, make another picot, sc3, make the third picot, sc 3 {that makes 12 scs and 3 picots - consult chart). Repeat this pattern for all the other chains. When you make the last sc on the last chain, sc 9 along the body of the flower. You will come to the center of it. Next ch 9 and return back making sc starting from the 2nd ch from hook. When your each the body again, st in the 1st st that comes and finish the work. I made the orange flower first and didn't like how the stalk turned out so instead of sc I made hdcs.
The flower works very fast and makes for a gorgeous applique or whatever you want to use it for. I hope you enjoy hooking it!




  1. So pretty. I must, MUST learn the gentle art of crocheting. =)

  2. Those Irish flowers are so pretty Maya and must look gorgeous on a scatter cushion and even as a brooch. I really wish I could crochet. Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Sweet Inspiration party this week.

    1. Thank you Michelle. I agree. Theyvwould be lovely sewn onto throw pillows or blankets !

  3. You explain it so easy! I hope more people start learning how to read crochet charts thanks to your tutorials. These flowers look very pretty.


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