
Monday, November 7, 2016

Inspiration Monday - Artist Fleur Lyon


Fleur Lyon who modestly declares herself to be a botanical artist and a mother is the amazingly talented creator of the sweetest and most beautiful tapestries you have seen.

Using a hand knit piece as the canvas,  she mounts it onto a wooden frame and embroiders it with fields of "wild florals" to create these irresistible and eye-catching, breath-taking tapestries.

To see more of her work, visit her site and IG account.


  1. Oh so lovely! I love the yarn flowers used as props in the last pic

    1. Aren't they? They caugt my attention and I had to include them in the post.

  2. So lovely, the yarn flower are so nice.
    Have a nice day

  3. How lovely these wool tapestries are, love the flowers. You do find the most interesting and imaginative artists, Maya.


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