
Monday, January 2, 2017

Inspiration Monday: Frida Kahlo - My Heroine



I thought starting the first inspiration Monday of the new year with Frida Kahlo would be exceptional and extraordinary, strong and powerful, prolific and hopeful, just as she was - just as I wish this year  to be. And even more.
I have always admired Frida as a person who didn't let her broken body define her spirit. Instead, through her pain she rose to be a revolutionary artist who put up on a pedestal and worshiped the history of her country and her heritage. A woman who flaunted her defects and didn't let them restrain her. A fighter, a passionate artist with a  ferocious lust for life. The Frida I aspire to be.  




  1. You have chosen an excellent first inspiration of the year! Though I was introduced to the philosophies and works of Frida only a few years ago, they instantly struck a chord with me. I was even more inspired to showcase my heritage and culture to the world

    1. I am glad we are on the same line here Divya! I knew random bit and pieces about her until I watched the movie. It moved a storm of emotions with me. I recommend it!

  2. She definitely overcame so much and was true to herself. Cheers to a wonderful new year of creativity and inspiration.

    1. I have my hopes and intentions set high Tammy:)

  3. I first discovered Frida when I stumbled on a documentary on public television almost thirty years ago. I don't think she was even trendy then? I was dealing with nerve damage (result of a crummy data entry job with a demanding ogre of a boss) and wondering if I'd ever be able to paint again. Learning about her story gave me strength to deal with things when I really needed it. (...and, yes, I'm still painting--yay!)

    1. Sadly I think she wasn't, but her influence is unwavering and still strong. Glad to hear you were inspired and persistant in your wish to get better!


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