
Monday, March 20, 2017

Inspiration Monday: Mizzie Morawez - a Freeform Crochet Poetess


Have you heard of Mizzie Morawez?
Well, I had the pleasure to learn about her a couple of years ago, and while planning the Inspiration Mondays I thought she certainly deserves more attention and a little space to be given on my blog to showcase her stunning crochet pieces. For, whenever I come upon one of Mizzie's creations, I stop immediately to wonder in awe at her astonishing and extraordinary freeform crochet. The unbelievable and exceptional construction of her pieces, use of yarn, colors and patterns will leave you speechless. Literally.
This is what she says about herself and her crochet art:

"I´m a friendly alienated hyper-creative multimedia artist & free lance interior designer for a living. I believe we are creating our own reality, so why not make it a place of joy & fearlessness - I´m proud to be making this world a better place one room at a time & supporting other people to create their realities as well.

 One more essential aspect of my personal reality is my lifelong passion for creating wearable-art- garments of all sorts & styles for true individuals who are not afraid to self-express & show the world who they are!

To me fashion is like a stage for personal theatre - you act out your feelings and attitudes in as subtle or dramatic a way as you wish to show, and there is no better way to help you achieve that goal than through art-to-wear clothing.

 There are no two people exactly alike, why should they wear exactly the same thing? This thought convinced me of the necessity to create individual pieces which will speak to each person in a secret language understandable only to the two of them - until they meet.

So, be yourself, find yourself, express yourself, make art part of your daily life, and if I can help you on this road, it will be my biggest reward."

Find more on Mizzie's blog and Flickr


  1. Dear Maya, I'm really speachless in front of Mizzie's art. She plays with yarn in an incredible way. So stunning and colorful pieces...each one designed different from the others, not reproducible, unique like every one of us. I definitely like her fashion philosophy.

  2. Maya what an amazing artist. Each piece of clothing is literally a work of art. I love the colors and the texture. Each piece is also very intricate. You can spend hours looking at each one.

  3. WOW! It's my third visit, I'm still gaping at the pictures and I still do not really know what to say. Not in shock but in awe! Just the audacity of creating such amazing garments. It's not "just" art, it's a way of living and expressing oneself too. Wow indeed! And the more often I look at the pictures the more I'm convinced one can actually wear some of these garments (not all though). Thank you for introducing this amazing artist to us!

  4. I've not heard of her, she is unique.

  5. Oh my goodness, such beautiful, wearable works of art. A huge thank you, Maya for introducing Mizzie to us. There is such amazing detail in each piece. Such a uniquely gifted artiste!

  6. I love her work - totally unique.

  7. I just sent a message to her about where to possibly purchase her works. I wonder also if she ever teaches her technique, Would LOVE to learn from her. Thanks you for sharing her works. I have been following her for sometime on Pinterest and cannot get enough.

  8. what kind yarn you use to crochet your piece with

    1. This is not my work Dee. Through the links you can find the artist Mizzie and ask her maybe.


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