
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Dreaming of a White Winter

I can smell it in the air.
Faint whiffs of snow. They come in wafts from the near-by mountains. I inhale deeply  and close  my eyes. I see it in my mind's eye. Flakes softly falling from the sky down, whirling and dancing, steadily weaving a flawless white carpet. I can hear it under my booted feet, crunching under each step and love the silence it creates around me when I stop. It is the perfect music to my ears.
I open my eyes and I face a dull grey day greeting me. The noise strikes again robbing me of the snow induced silence, but there is nothing, nothing that can rob my memories of a beautiful snow-falling day. 

Images taken from pinterest via the winter search.


  1. January really isn't as one is used to over here either. No frost, no snow, just stormy weather, lots of rain and dull and grey days. These two wunderful pictures sure make one long for those peaceful snowladen days (after clearing the yard). Love the can and the cups too.

    1. I would love to have a storm here. At least it will blow away a teeny tiny bit of the pollution. It was warm for Christmas. One would thought it was spring.

  2. We don't have as much snow as we're used to having in my neck of the woods but everything is white. There's been a lot of wind and we see it blowing snow in one direction and the next day blowing the snow back. :)

    1. Lucky you Kate! I would change with you immediately :)

  3. My mom left the Northern United States and headed for the South to get away from snow, but this winter the South has experienced two snow storms which is very, very strange.

    1. I know Tammy. I've been following the news and cannot wrap my head around it!

  4. I love these images, especially the first one. Winter rules!

  5. Gorgeous photos! I thought you were a stylist for sure! The snow is always magical, but after awhile, it can be a bit much!

    1. Thank you Kid and Doodle! I can certainly style something like this with the right props and a drop of SNOW :)

  6. I hope that you get to enjoy your snow day soon curled up with a book and a cup of hot cocoa

    1. Sadly no snow day here Divya. Only in my dreams....

  7. Maya these are such beautiful images they almost make you forget about the cold. We are having record cold weather here and my girls don't want to go out at all. But we can always dream through your pictures.

    1. Well what you have there was reffered as snow bombs or something? Those are extremes. I hope you are all well Mary!

  8. Oh Maya, sounds like you love Winter like I do! Everyone is talking about "hurry up Spring," but I love Winter! So many things to love about it. I always want it to linger. Enjoyed your post and word imagery!


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