
Monday, March 5, 2018

Insta love - Lena Bekh

Meet Lena Bekh!

The child in me always leaps out upon seeing her toys on instagram. And they are quite attention grabbers! Her work is unique and she really works a true magic  using natural cotton, linen and vintage accents to create these adorable whimsical creatures.

Discover more of these adorable creatures on her instagram.


  1. Replies
    1. They are a pure delight! I eish I had some of these when I wss a child :)

  2. Are these sold anywhere? They are wonderful

    1. Click the links in this post to instagram and inquire about prices on her profile.

  3. Oh my goodness, never have I seen such beautiful, sweet and whimsical creations. Those eyelashes....they just melt my heart. What an amazing artiste Lena is. I will have to click on the link and get lost in her amazing world!

  4. such a different and interesting design sensibility. Who says that toys must always smile and have perfectly finished/moulded components?

  5. What a discovery! I'm in love with that squirrel!! We don't have to be children to buy and enjoy them, they could make a wonderful decoration... It's like fairytales coming to life :-)

  6. Those eye, OMW, how beautiful. She's really talented


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