
Monday, April 2, 2018

Insta love - petalshed

Happy Monday!

It is a wonderful and sunny day today and I can hear the birds chirping merrily out in the garden. 

Nature is slowly blooming, revealing a colorful and magnificent world beneath its spring wings. Such a world can also be found at Nattie Risdale's (petalshed) who makes the most fascinating crochet pieces.

I apologize for not being able to link up to her account to save my life. Blogger is having tantrums. Will try later.


  1. wonderful of you to feature another designer/ creator!! she has lovely designs!


    Happy Monday from Iowa, USA

  2. What a cheerful account! Her works are very beautiful and make me smile. Thank you for sharing. :-)

  3. Petalshed's colour-palette is so bright and lively, without being flashy or in your face. I follow her on IG too and her pictures always make me feel happy.

  4. Such lovely work in beautiful spring like colors.

  5. The colours are totally my kind of thing! And I love flowers too. So I'm just going to stare at your collage for an hour or so :-) (And ofcourse visit Petalshed)
    Take care,


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