
Monday, July 16, 2018

Insta love: Puzzle Necklaces by Peekaboo

I couldn't help but thought that this is one extraordinary idea when I saw Peekaboo's puzzle necklaces.
I asked her about the inspiration and idea behind these and this is what she said:
The internet has been an everlasting inspiration for everything - including my new jewelry pieces that come with their own case - puzzles. It resulted from the need to store my necklaces without fearing that the chains are going to get tangled or break.

Currently I am in a phase where I employ and use wood, which is easy to acquire it, immensely suitable for painting,  and shaping possibilities are endless. 
This puzzle case / holder is still in an initial developing phase. I've made about 10 pieces featuring motifs of flowers, birds and non-defined abstract shapes, but I am tremendously happy about people's reaction to them so I am inspired to further work on these.
So all I can say is that new motifs are underway!



You can follow Peekaboo on instagram and buy her necklaces here.


I love your comments! Thank you for taking the time to talk to me!