
Friday, January 4, 2019

Coffee, anyone?

Welcome to the first post of the new year dear blog buddies! Come on in! Would you like a cup of coffee? Make yourself at home while I fetch the cookies.
I don't know about you, but I have taken this week rather slowly. Not longsomely tiring to be precise. I stayed off the hook and off my real time work, watched my favourite shows on TV and listened to a lot of music. Visited friends and family. Also, keeping my notebook close by, I roughly outlined the drafts for my spring jewelry collection that draws inspiration from the '50s. It's going to be lots of work, but I cannot wait to start crafting.
I doubt I am the only crocheter who entered the new year with all the crochet projects finished :)
So there are a lot of projects to be finished yet, but these cute cup coasters are the ones that were started and finished at the end of December. I just love when I can dedicate myself fully on a project and finish it promptly.
How about you? How did your first week of January go?


  1. Amazing coffee cups crochet, Maya!!!!!!!!!!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR, my dear friend.

  2. Pfff... Due to the hubby being ill and at home (thanks heavens), only allowed to hobble around on forearm crutches (no fun your wife being a nurse :-)), things aren't running as smoothly as they should/could/I'd like them to be... Day job started again too, so I'm trying to balance household, care, job, crochet, Etsy, doctor's errands, groceries... I feel worn out (and there are still at least 6 weeks of this madness to come) and frankly said, do not even find the time to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee, even though it's my "water of life" at the moment... Your coasters are so pretty, they make me long for a cuppa, just ten minutes of putting my feet up and trying to enjoy the moment...

    1. So, drop everything and join me, won't you Marjan? I fully undrstand how you feel and wish I was closer to give you a hand... Luckily your hubs is at home and things will settle down soon. I am sure of it :) Sending a strong hug!

  3. Well my first week of Jan was to throw out the Christmas tree, because the it dropped all the needles, the rest of the Christmas things went away.
    Today I was buying Primula flowers for the window and a Pelargon, it became a little new and cute.
    I'm waiting to get home seeds to put in the soil so they can come up until spring comes.
    Wish you a wonderful weekend

    1. We still have the Chriatmas tree up and I have no intention of dismanteling it any time soon to be honest. The ortodox Christmas is on the 7th of Jan and I will certainly leave it as until next week. How wonderful that you are prepping the house with flowers.

  4. These cup coasters are cute! I love how you customise them with flowers or lace trims. They are unique and have your signature on them. My first week of the year has been a slow one too. Time to enjoy life and stay cosy at home. :-)

    1. I don't believe we have cozied so much before Alhana and frankly, both hubs and I needed to steam off. It feels great.

  5. Lovely coasters! and beautiful pictures. I've got a lot of crochet goals for this year, but I still have some from last year to complete!

    1. Don't we all Helen. I already made a list to which projects I'd love to finish. Let's see how that goes :)

  6. Hi Maya, Happy New Year. I love your cute coffee coasters you made! I am still trying to decide on what I want to work on for the new year. I don't like this happens to me and I hope to find something to make for a loved one or myself! :) Happy crafting.

    1. Happy new year Julie and happy crafting! Cannot wait to see what you make this year!

  7. Yes please....to the coffee.....and to those exquisite crochet cups!! Oh, I think the first week of a new year has to be enjoyed slowly. I cannot wait to see what your fabulous imagination imagines this year, Maya♥

  8. I really love how cute and different they all are. You are always so creative.

  9. Thanks for sharing with us at the To Grandma's House we go linky party!


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