
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Types of Crochet: Bavarian Crochet

Bavarian crochet or also known as the Bavarian square is a beautiful and unique way to add texture to a project by using different colors for a vivid and bright look.
The Bavarian square is made of flowers in one color set at the center and outlined with a second color.  These outlines are created by working back post stitches around the outside of the flowers. The pattern increases in flowered rounds.
These squares can be joined together just like ordinary granny squares for amazing colorful projects. Not just perfect for afghans,  blankets or potholders, but also for some innovative use like hats and shawls. I imagine a skirt. You?

Tutorial here and here.



  1. Bellissimo punto e meravigliosa armonia di colori, grazie Maya per il tutorial.
    Un caro saluto,

  2. This type of crochet stitch is beautiful. It looks very complicated to make though.

    1. But actually it isn't Julie :)
      One just needs to get the hang of it.

  3. What gorgeous patterns! I don't crochet, but this makes me wish I did! Thank you for sharing, and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Hope to see you again this week. Have a great week ahead!

    1. Thank you for having me April! Love joining your party!

  4. LOVE this Bavarian crochet blanket. LOVE all those pretty colours that dance together in harmony.


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