
Friday, February 1, 2019

What I Have Pinned Lately #15


Happy Friday guys!
I am happy to wave goodbye to January! It was filled with more celebrations and parties I could ever imagine possible and glad to say it was a tremendous fun! But also very exhausting. Or as somebody said: "January was a tough year, but we made it!"
Quite out of the ordinary, the longest I have been away from my crochet projects, which I don't regret, because I really needed the time off.
However, having survived January, I plan to get back to crochet work during the weekend as I am preparing something for you for Valentine (wink, wink).
Today, I am sharing some gems I found on the internet.

Free Patterns

Check out more on my pinterest boards!


  1. Hi Maya and Happy Friday and February. I was so busy over the holiday and in November. I did a big project of making some hand warmers for my daughter who is away at college and friends. I did manage to make a little heart but I am having a hard time trying to figure out what I want to work on next. I do need to make some things to donate to our church but I feel lazy in doing that right now. I need to come up with something to work on this weekend as I have my monthly meet up on Wednesday which is a different group I belong to. I love all of the crochet inspiration you are sharing today. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. Hi Julie! Happy Friday and a joyous February to you too!I am sure the internet will inspire you and that you'll find an interesting project to work on. How are you holding on with the freezing temps? Hope it subsides soon!

  3. The weather here was a bit crazy the last few weeks. We had muddy rain one night this past week. Yuck! Very pretty projects. One of these days, I might actually crochet something to wear. :) Happy February!

  4. Awesome choice. Love the jacket with the flowers!

  5. Your January sounds as if it was way too much fun, Maya. I too, think it flashed by. Love the two crochet pretties in the first photos. Ooh...the second one, how beautiful. I really need to be seen around town in this gorgeous jacket/cardigan. Hope your February is a slower paced one.

  6. You have an eye, Maya. Everything is so beautiful.


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