
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

7 Free Bobble Stitch Projects


This year I was heavily hooked on bobbles and I believe I will stick to them for a little while. I love how they immediately transform a project, give it a fantastic texture and make it immensely playful. 

Here's a small compilation of eye-teasing and hook itching projects involving the bobble stitch. And if you don't know how to do it - here's a tutorial.




And lastly, something for the knitters. 
This gorgeous sweater. 


  1. Isn't the Llama cute? Lots of pretty ideas...

    1. I was quite tempted to try it immediately, but contained myself. Lots on my plate right now....

  2. I must admit I am a bit partial to a bobble or two....but the knitted kind. =) So many gorgeous bobbles here, Maya. Thank you for sharing...and...thank you for the link to that gorgeous knitted and bobble tunic. Me thinks I will have to knit this pretty.

    1. I've got many comments on that particular piece Kim and I am sad knitting is not my forte so I'd just sit quietly and drool over it :)

  3. Thanks for the tutorial, Maya. This is a new stitch to me but very promising, I'd love to give it a try. The all white blanket really caught my eye.

  4. Thank you for the links .I really want to try the bobbles , they seem to be the latest craze of the knitting society. Have a lovely weekend Maya.Tina xxx


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