
Monday, September 2, 2019

Embroidered Memories - Cécile Davidovici


 I found out about Cécile  Davidovici quite by accident (or maybe it wasn't?) through this video and her heartfelt story captivated me in an instant. 

Cécile writes and directs movies with which she explores the link between innocence and illusion. "After her mother's death, she felt a need to replace images and sound with tangible, touchable materials. She found that a new medium allowed her to anchor herself in the moment: textiles. The stories of innocence and illusions remained, now tinted with irrepressible nostalgia, and with a desire to capture memories and to immortalize past moments.

I wish I could transfer my old childhood photographs onto a canvas and paint my memories with colorful thread like this! 

More of  Cécile's genius here.


  1. Cecile is a fabulous artist. Hugs, Maya. I am back from vacation.

  2. Oh wow! Amazing what some people can create from needle and thread.

  3. What an amazing artist to be able to do embroidery like that! I love her work.

  4. Yes, wouldn't it be a lovely thing to interpret childhood photos into such lifelike beautiful embroidery. These embroideries are sublime.


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