
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Beth & Josephine Crochet Shawls - Little Women Collection


Well, showing off my Little Women Collection is nearing its end! I just hope I didn't bore you to death with it. It was indeed a tremendous job and I am glad I finished it as planned, although the timing did trip me a bit. Spring is on the verge of showing its pretty face and here I am posting winter shawls as if in mid winter. 
But, the ever optimist in me whispered that it is nearing winter in Australia, so ha - there you go!  On the serious side though, I can imagine these made in the purest cotton yarn and worn in spring chilly evenings and maybe summers :)

I am having the pattern for this shawl released tomorrow, so drop by if interested. To be honest, these two I am showing here are variations of that one, but the general pattern binds them all. One thing I am sad about is that the puffs I so meticulously worked on are almost not detectable in the pictures. 

Here's the Beth in orange and the Josephine in green.


  1. I have a couple spring/summer weight shawls. Sometimes the air is cool or the air conditioning is a bit cooler than one might wish so a light shawl is nice to have and not hard to remove if it becomes too much.


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