
Friday, May 8, 2020

Blue Roses Necklace


This week, if you haven't noticed (lol) I have been meddling with fabric covered buttons. This time I made a new necklace with lace crochet trays for the buttons, and needless to say, I love it. I had another idea how to make the trays even more interesting, so don't be surprised if I go nuts with these. You've been warned :)

I wish you all a fabulous weekend. Our curfew was shortened - now instead being shut at home at 2 p.m until 5 a.m the next day, we'll be able to be out until 7 p.m. Past two weekends were the worst - we had been completely shut for 48 hours and one weekend when a national holiday fell on Friday - we were not allowed to go out for 72 hours. 

Looking forward for a couple of hours out in this glorious sunshine!


  1. I love the colors in these. And they are just so sweet. Lovely!


  2. This is a lovely variation of your crochet flower necklaces. If you make one in metallic thread and jewel colour fabric buttons, it make look like a gem encrusted necklace as well. It is day 46 of total lock down in India but I think this has become our new normal. Staying at home is so much better than a hospital stay.

    1. Well, that is an interesting idea Divya, worth giving a try. They are not going to open the schools again so that means we are going to continue teaching online and yes, staying home has become quite normal. It is surprising how little it took for people to adapt to this new state of affairs..

  3. Love the colours for this beauty, Maya. Keep safe.

  4. Beautiful necklace! I especially like the large button/flower on the far left.

    1. I even made a larger one by adding a third layer of petals,but it dominated the whole piece, and I only included this one. It turned out way much better.

  5. I love this necklace with the fabric buttons and it would look so pretty with a white blouse!

    1. Thank you Julie. It is perfect for summer I think.

  6. Oh, this necklace is perfect, Maya. The addition of the fabric covered buttons is inspired. Love the colours of the fabric and the green yarn together. It seems as if the world is beginning to lessen the restrictions we have all been under. I hope people are sensible, though. Enjoy your little bit of freedom.

    1. Thank you so much Kim. The last couple of pieces of fabric I used for covering the buttons are my absolute favourites. There is one with vintage rose print on it I am also itching to try, but I am so swamped with other already planned projects, that will simply have to wait! The weather has been really balmy and this weekend was perfect!


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