
Friday, August 7, 2020

Crochet Lavender Sachets


My MIL has lavender in her garden and this year I harvested some to use for cooking and beauty products. There is an interesting article about using lavender here

I have plain cotton lavender sachets that I use in my wardrobes, and wanted to replace them with "posh" ones, so I crocheted these. I love how they turned out, so now I am thinking of making a couple more for my dainty earrings. 


  1. These pouches are as lovely as lavender :)

  2. What a great idea Maya and they look so pretty.

  3. These are so pretty. I love things that are crocheted and knitted; wish I could do it!

    Thanks for sharing this lovely lavender sachet post with us on the Embracing Home and Family link-up. We hope you join us again on Friday!


  4. I would imagine the fragrance that wafts through your pretty crochet bags is heavenly. They are so pretty, Maya.

  5. I use a lot of lavender sachets as well. I make my own but never thought to crochet them. The lavender needles don't come out through the yarn?


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