
Monday, September 7, 2020

Autumnal Color Coding


Happy Monday guys!
Have you noticed how gradually the nights have become chillier? 
There are still two and a half weeks before summer waves us goodbye, but my mind has already switched to an autumnal mode, and I am already dreaming about (and working on) fall projects. 

Lately I have been drawn more to palettes in terracotta, rusty orange, coral pink and dusty rose. So when I saw the above yarn I just couldn't contain myself. I have a ton of yarn in my studio, but there is always place for more, if you know what I mean :)

Both images below sum up my dream palette.
How about you? Do you have a preferred autumnal palette?  



  1. This year's autumn colours are muted - not the usual jewel tones but soft blush, peach, earthy brown and offwhite just like what you have picked. So you are on trend whether it was intentional or not.

    1. Well, that is inteteresting. It was rather unintentional because I don't really follow the color trends, but I am glad to learn about this year's color trends. Seem just like my cup of tea :)

  2. Oh...there is always room for much more! I love muted autumnal shades; love those peachy pinks and those muted blues. Maya, my calendar tells me today is September 8....so in my language it's spring. I never wait for the 'official dedict'. =) I see seas of daffodils everywhere, so spring is doing it's thing. Love those colours of yarn you have chosen.

    1. Aren't they just gorgeous Kim? Would be interesting to, let's say, make a blanket in those colors. I'd love to have one, to be true. Enjoy your first signs of spring!

  3. My favourite season has started and I am loving all the colours that come with it! I would add some ochres and oranges to your palette to make it full, what do you think?

    1. Why, they are amongst my favourite too, so yes to ochre, mustard (and orange)!

  4. Summertime is my favorite season. I am not ready for fall yet as I want to enjoy what is left of the summer weather. I do like the fall and the pretty colors of the leaves, trees, and cooler weather!

    1. Well, being a summer child, it has always been my fave, but if you ask my menopausal self, it yearns for some cool weather :)


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