
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Anemone Necklace

So, I designed a piece having a particular palette in my head, set to work and when I ended up with a bunch of anemones (there are 3 more colors besides the ones shown here),  I simply didn't like what I ended up with. I put the other flowers in the box and chose these 3 to make a necklace. 

However, I tripled the numbers of the anemones in a fall palette and they worked their magic with the design I planned in the first place. More of it soon.

How are the days rolling out for you?


  1. Oh what a cute pretty necklace!

  2. These anemones are very eye-catching! What will you do with the remaining bunch?

  3. Always so pretty. The muted colors have a vintage vibe.

    1. Thank you Tammy! My old soul cannot escape the vintage feel :)

  4. Your anemones are beautiful and the colours are magnificent!!

  5. Yes at sometimes ideas do not turn out to be what we want them to be. But that is a part of the process. What you eventually made is beautiful so may be the other flowers are meant for something else.

  6. Very lovely! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  7. Love your beautiful anemones decorating the silver necklace. Such a funky necklace.


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