
Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Gersimi Necklace

I was a fool to believe I could stop with just one necklace. No, no... that just doesn't happen for me. Once I was done with the Freya, the famous itch developed, urging me to make a Freya bracelet. And I was well underway, but the bell flower is actually the culprit of changing my design. It is quite grandiose (I am trying not to use the word "big")  to put on a bracelet, and my aesthetic self couldn't visualize nor let something like that bulging on a tender wrist, so it made the whole thing turn to a necklace.

I chose the name Gersimi for this one, which is the daughter of Freya in Norse mythology, and the name means "treasure". Lots of symbolism here with my blog and vision - just saying :)

Again, aside from the bell flower, I used wooden crocheted beads, my lovely anemones and the ruffled tubes. I am becoming quite attached to those ruffles. 

Another thing is that Freya has another daughter besides Gersimi. Well, you know what that means!


  1. Just lovely!


  2. Gersimi is beautiful and I look forward to seeing her sister. ^^

    1. :)
      It will join the two really quickly Kate! Thank you for your visit!

  3. Love how the symbolism is subtle and just peeks through gently without really screaming from the rooftops.

  4. I love how ropey and heavy it is, gorgeous.


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