
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Wooden Floral Brooches

You are looking at the result of my "take a break" period. I am currently working on some larger projects (hint: a dress and a blouse - and yes I work on them simultaneously) that get tiresome, and to break myself from the spell, I love working on small projects with an immediate result. Feels rewarding and fulfilling.

Cue my miniature brooches. These, as you can see from the photo below, are quite small and tiny. All 8 flowers are different, set onto green foundations that pop out, decorated with different beads. They are placed onto wooden trays that measure 3.5 x 3.5 cm. 

Just the kind of refreshment I needed.



  1. Such sweet little floral brooches. I cannot wait to see the dress and blouse.

  2. Light work as a break from lots of work - you sound just like me..LOL
    but jokes aside these brooches are so cute. Recently a magazine in USA has mentioned brooches to be the IT thing for 2021.

    1. Haha.. it is always like that with me. Not surprised it is the same with others as well. I didn't know that about the brooches. We'll see if they trend.

  3. Oh, how pretty and delicate. Thanks so much for linking up with me at the Unlimited Link Party 24. Pinned!

  4. You need a quick little project sometimes to work on between the bigger ones don't you? These are lovely.

    1. Every single time, Julie :)
      Thank you for visiting!

  5. These would make great Mother's Day gifts. Thank you for sharing your pretty creations at the FWF link party.


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