
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Crochet Pants - yay or nay?

I have been seeing crochet pants everywhere lately -  from indie to haute couture designers.  
To be honest, I have mixed feelings about them. I find some cute, some funny, but it is probably my age, and of course my style. Looking at all of them I get the feeling that they might not be comfortable to have on - but again, how can I know, when I have never worn ones?
Regarding the designs/patterns they are made in - I am in awe. A beautiful array of pattern stitches matched together to a perfection. 
Have you ever worn crochet pants? Are they comfortable?




  1. Well the ones you have posted here look freaking fabulous! But all these models are long and lean. I would definitely wear them if they were a pair that looked flattering on curvy little shorties such as myself!

    1. That's true. Maya Luna is short and her Lollies pants are size inclusive if I am not wrong. Her picture and link are first after the end of my text. You may want to check them out ;)

  2. I smiled when I saw the first photo and my first thought was that most likely the ladies with the wrong shape would be the ones wanting to wear these, lol. It's interesting to see the flared bottoms that in my day were called 'bell bottoms' - oops, I've just given my age away. ^^

    1. No worries Kate.
      I am no spring chick either ;)
      There was an interesting crochet added detail to worn-out jeans I loved, that shaped up to make them bell bottoms. I saved that for my "refashion-it-with-style" series. The post will be up somewhere in (mid) September. Hope you are having a great day!

  3. My first reaction was NO WAY. Until I scrolled down and saw the ones you've featured and they are quite lovely. I love the retro vibe of the first ones. My mother crocheted a lot of my clothing in the 70s but never pants. I'd wear those first ones in a heartbeat if I was in my 20s and still had a smoking hot body. LOL

    1. I also grew up wearing knits (gran made them for us) moslty sweaters and dresses, but never pants :)
      Oh, how I wish to be in the 20s again!!
      Thank you for dropping by, Marie!

  4. They look really neat, but if I was young and skinny - maybe, but think I would definitely wear some type of dance tights or shorts under them.

  5. Hi,not really one for comments, but lately I've been thinking about crochet pants! I want to crochet one to lounge around at home. I'm way beyond 20's and not slim and slender, but I think it will work. Thanks for a great blog, you're inspiring! frieda

    1. Thank you so much for participating with your opinion and comment, Frieda!

  6. Those posted here by you are yay, of course, but I wouldn't wear any of the pants, due to two reasons: it's too hot in the summer for them and i'm not young anymore :)

    1. I am sticking with your two reasons, Cristina :)
      Thank you for dropping by!

  7. I think these are AWESOME!! I have been tempted to make a pair myself. Would hate to do all the work though, and then they don't fit comfortably. Hmm... Would be a fun adventure. Maybe I'll start with shorts first?

    1. I am sure your execution will be fantastic Alexandra, whether shorts or pants. Would love to see that

  8. Crochet pants?? For me at my age and with this body, probably a nay. =) BUT....my younger, 'Twiggy' self, a definite YAY. All the pants you have showcased are fabulous!! I can remember when crochet pants and dresses with long bell sleeves were all the rage, when I was but a young thing.


I love your comments! Thank you for taking the time to talk to me!