
Monday, January 3, 2022

Fairy Baby Cocoons in Marika's Closet

These fairy baby cocoons were my first finished project in the new year. I worked on them sporadically during December and cannot tell you how happy it makes me to have them finished.
I had the fairy baby in mind when designing these and that's true because everything is magical and wondrous with little babes, don't you agree? 
They are in my Marika's closet shop. I had quite a few things listed there lately, so drop by if interested.


  1. These baby cocoons are so pretty! The colors of the flowers on the green cocoon are so pretty together, and the pink cocoon is in such a pretty shade of pink!

    1. To be honest, I don't know what I was thinking when I got that green yarn (I have 3 kilos of it)! It's not the shade I like, and I was worried what am I going to use it for, but I think it came perfect for the sack, or least I hope it is. :)

  2. They are so beautiful, I can picture very cute photoshoots with babies wearing them. :-)

  3. Utterly adorable! What a sweet idea and so so pretty. I've chosen these as a feature at Handmade Monday this coming week :-)

    1. Thank you so much for featuring these! I will visit you shortly!!


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