
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Vintage Lace Collar

This interesting collar was born out of a sampler. I have saved lots of my gran's samplers (I simply cannot part with them) and one negative thing about those is that they are all quite small. You who follow me for a long time know that grandma was a master of crocheted doilies and large-scale tablecloths, all made with extremely tiny hooks. So normally, all my samplers are tiny!
To make this collar copying the pattern from the sampler took me several unsuccessful attempts, but I eventually got it right. And when I did, well there was no stopping me! To be honest, I didn't plan on making it a collar, I just wanted to make more and more of it until it reached a length where I thought "um.. a headband, maybe?" But it didn't stick with me and several sections more, I knew it was destined to be a collar :)
We are having a photo-shoot tomorrow and I hope to make more beautiful pictures of it! Wish me luck it doesn't rain!


  1. So very pretty! I love that it is based on one of your gran's samplers.

    1. Thanks! One by one I am determined to replicate them all!

  2. This is lovely, Maya! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  3. Te felicito Maya...es difícil copiar de nuestras antiguas tejidas con hilo muy fino, de hecho el resultado aparentemente casi no se parece al original aunque copies punto por punto.

    La modelo se ve guapa con el nuevo collar.

    Tengo varias labores heredadas entre ellos cuellos, que espero compartir en mí blog cuando pueda fotografíar.


  4. It's so much fun to play around with vintage patterns and see how they can be used in a more modern or practical way! I made a similar scarflet recently exploring antique edging patterns with yarn instead of thread.



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