
Monday, July 18, 2022

Behind The Scenes - Creating Embroidered Fabric Necklaces

I am again creating a video class for Rebecca Page, and though this is not the actual piece we are going to make in the class, I wanted to make several necklaces so as to show different ideas and suggestions for fabric manipulation with the aid of embroidery and beading.
I keep forgetting how much I love combining embroidery and beading, and this was a lovely and fulfilling reminder. 
However, behind the scenes - it is never just "milk and honey".  It's rather highly chaotic, messy and sometimes nerve-wrecking. 
Choosing the "right" shade of floss and beads. 

Got tons of needles, but not the one that I need for my beads?
I was filming the video in my workshop, on a Sunday, when usually there is not a living soul around and it's immensely quiet, but on this particular Sunday, unbeknownst to me, my neighbour decided to clean his place using a high-powered machine (extremely noisy) for 3 hours (and 27 minutes - I clocked him), then when it all quieted down, a fly managed to get inside and mess up my video by landing on my finger. I got rid of it eventually, and just when I set to start filming, a procession of motorbikes went through our secluded street. It was followed shortly by a deafening chopper. It felt as if the universe was trying its practical jokes on me!!
Luckily, I managed to get most of the work done :)


  1. Oh yes, sometimes the universe conspires against us particularly when we are recording - dogs bark, people turn up their reverse horn, there is a gathering next door, a baby cries, someone uses their mixer grinder and it feels like you should just give up. I understand how much patience is required to do it. So it is great that you finally got the recording done. The snippets look lovely, I am waiting to see the full piece.

    1. You totally understand, Divya! This is not the first time I am experiencing this, but on this particular Sunday it was excessive :)
      Thank you so much for dropping by! I hope I'll be able to finish it soon.

  2. Have a wonderful day my friend.

  3. Es genial la mezcla de bordados y abalorios... el diseño y la textura es increíblemente bonita.


  4. Es genial la mezcla de bordados y abalorios... el diseño y la textura es increíblemente bonita.



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