
Saturday, August 20, 2022

Heirloom Crochet

Whenever I visit my MIL, I love going through her heirloom crochet tablecloths and doilies made by her mother. Although she gifted me a lot, she's still got a full cupboard of them. 
All of the tablecloths and doilies are made with crochet thread, and with minuscule crochet hooks to achieve a spider-web quality. Surprisingly, the tooth of time has had no influence on them. 
I've selected a couple I would like to recreate, and I have already started drawing the chart for a couple of them. I don't know how grandma Lena had made them, because my MIL doesn't remember seeing her using charts or patterns. 
But it is an interesting project, and I really hope to make at least one. I have no plans of using crochet thread and tiny hooks, and I know the project won't be the same; nevertheless I am sure it will be an exciting and fulfilling experience.


  1. What treasures. Truly amazing work with thread and tiny hook. I know whatever you design and create with will be beautiful, too.

    1. She has spectacularly large ones. I imagine she probably spent months if not even years making them. I am in awe with the determination and will to invest time and energy making them!

  2. Such beautiful crocheted works! Such delicate heirlooms!

  3. These Heirloom Crochet lace projects are so lovely! I can't wait to see what you do with the pattern you are creating based on them. Thank you for linking up at our weekly Link Party! You are being featured at our Wednesday Party #466 this week. Here’s the direct link to the post in case you’d like to share your feature:
    Hope to see you again next week! Rhondda

    1. Honored and so very pleased and thankful! 😊

  4. These are gorgeous! Your GMIL was a very talented lady. Can't wait to see what you come up with. If you get a chance, I'd love for you to come by & share your posts on Crafty Creators Link Party. It's open Thursdays at 6am CST through Mondays at 11:59pm. Hope to see you there!
    Niki | LifeasaLEOWife.com


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